
Maidens Of The Silver: Bloodlines - #01

by Jersey D Gibson

      The young woman in white knelt in the temple, facing the dais raised above the ground. Her hands on the ground in front of her, head bowed, the young woman waited for the decision of another woman, older than she.

      “Rise, and be recognized, Acolyte Crois Deliquiox.” The older woman standing at the dais spoke, her mature voice speaking its’ years of wisdom and knowledge. The young woman kneeling, Crois rose from her bent knees. The white cloak around her young slim shoulders folded itself around her body, concealing her figure with its’ folds. The part in the middle showed light steel armor, gleaming in the torchlight. The symbol of the steel showed a symbol, one that was on the dais as well. The same one on the breast of the older woman’s robes.

      “Mother Maiden, I have heard your call, and answered.” Crois said, her eyes downward, almost in prayer, her hands folded together in front of her. She stood pious in front of the dais and woman, waiting for more.

      “Acolyte, you have been at our temples for five years, learning the ways of our Faith, training with our Sisters, and maturing to a woman. Possibly one day, a Maiden.” The older woman started, looking down at the young woman in White. She stepped down from the dais, approaching Crois, walking around her.

      “That is what I desire, Mother Maiden.” Crois answered, never averting her eyes from the floor in front of her.

      “Seventeen years you have been here, came to us in swaddling clothes, a babe at our doorstep.” The Mother Maiden continued. “We took you in and raised you until your naming day. You decided that day, to train to become a Maiden. Long and hard you have trained for that day, which we Maidens call our Second Naming Day. That day, becomes the day our true Womanhood becomes, where we are married to our Faith, honor our Code, and follow the Teachings of our Lords.” The Mother Maiden paused, walking in front of Crois, where the young woman was looking at the older woman’s feet. “Do you still want to walk this path, Acolyte?”

      “I do, Mother Maiden.” Crois answered.

      “Then look me in the eye.”

      Crois raised her eyes, gazing at the Mother Maiden’s face. The lines of hardship and stress had turn the woman’s hair white young, and given the lines of wisdom on her face as plain as day. The scarf around her neck framed her face, showing steel and mercy in those granite blue eyes she looked upon Crois with.

      “What is our Wedding Vow?”

      “To be Wedded to the Silver, to the Lords.” Crois answered.

      “What is our Code?”

      “To serve, preserve life, and all that is good.” Crois answered from rote, taught from and early age.

      “What do our Teachings say?”

      “To bring Man forth from decadence, to save Man from himself.”

      “Daughters, please come forth!” The older woman said, her voiced rose in announcement.

      Seven women in white cloaks came forth, moving from the shadowed areas of the large room, soon standing in a circle around Crois, the Mother Maiden making the head of the circle. Their cloaks covered their bodies, their hoods pulled over their heads, scarves covering their faces.

      “Sisters, Maidens, today marks an important day for this Acolyte, Crois Deliquiox.” The Mother Maiden intoned.

      “It is important.” The seven in white said in unison.

      “Today marks her Second Naming Day. Remember it well.” The Mother Maiden continued.

      “It is as the Lords decree.” The seven spoke again together.

      “No longer does the Acolyte Crois Deliquiox exist. Now, before us, is a Maiden.”

      “There is a Maiden in our mists.” The seven completed the ritual, removing their scarves and hoods, revealing their faces.

      “We are Married to the Faith, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the woman next to the Mother Maiden.

      “We Honor the Code, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the one next to her.

      “We Follow the Teachings, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the one after.

      “We Protect Life and what is Good, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the next woman.

      “We bring Light to the Living, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the woman behind Crois.

      “We Show our Symbol to all, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the woman next to her.

      “We follow the Will of the Lords, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the next woman.

      “We are the Weapons against Anarchy, Maidens of the Silver.” Said the last of the seven women.

      “The Seven Truths have blessed you, my child.” The Mother Maiden touched Crois’s chin gently, and a rare smile came to the older woman’s lips. “Now, today, and forever, you are a Maiden.”

      Tears slowly ran down Crois cheeks. Her long awaited day had finally come, and joy she had never felt came to her now.

      “Her Symbol.” The Mother Maiden said. One of the women next to her hand her a silver torque, with a Symbol connected to it. In silver, was an hourglass, with the two weapons associated with the Maidens crossed in front of it. Crois knew the symbol well. It was on her Acolyte clothing. It was the Symbol on the dais. It was the same piece of jewelry every Maiden wore.

      “Her Weapon.” The other weapon next to the Mother Maiden handed a wooden box over to her. The older woman took it, and presented it to Crois latch first. “Open it. It shall be yours.”

      Crois reached up to the box with anxious, trembling hands, and opened the simple latch. The lid of the wooden box opened, and there, in red velvet, sitting in front of her, was the weapon of the Maidens.

      A flintlock pistol.


Author's Note: Chapter 02

Posted on 05/27/2006
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Boulender on 05/27/06 at 01:38 AM

this reminds me of the time my friend told me to read this book called gulcher because he loved it so much, and so i did, and read some of it. some of it was good, and some of it I couldn't really tell because certain minds can only process certain things.

Posted by Alex Smyth on 05/27/06 at 07:28 PM

A pistol? Not what I was expecting....will be looking for chapter 2!

Posted by Anne Engelen on 05/28/06 at 07:36 AM

surely caught my interest and I like to find where this is going

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