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by Bet Yeldem

Sometimes I want to wrap up the pieces
Of myself, put a pretty bow on top 
And hand it you
Hoping that it might be enough
To make you say
You love me      and mean it
To make you stay 
With me because you know everything I am
And at least that’s something
More than common

But this world is a hard place 
And we’re both
A little too cynical for that
After all, this is home to pain
Razor blades in beach sand
Gunmen hiding in dark alleys
Poisoned candy at the corner store

But some days, the ocean is the most beautiful sight on earth
Stars shine brightest where there is no street lamp
And candy is just too sweet to pass up
	And some days, I believe the reward is worth the risk
		I could die happily in breaking waves on the shore
		Or falling into my last sleep under a blanket of heaven
		Better yet, death by chocolate – with a pretty bow on top


Posted on 05/26/2006
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Rula Shin on 05/26/06 at 03:50 PM

Yes, life doesn't give, it keeps on demanding and demanding, caring only about procreation and not about our quality of living...there are only the little things that it gives, trying to keep us happily sedated with candy, tricking us into feeling alive. In the end, we either see what we want to see, or what we are forced to see. Cursed to die, or cursed to LIVE. Great last line by the way.

Posted by Ashok Sharda on 05/26/06 at 05:02 PM

Well, I see hopes despite the hopelessness. And yes, Life demands life, as Rula Shin pointed out, it gives you life if you give life to life.

Posted by Vere Mantratriad on 05/28/06 at 07:38 PM

I absolutely adore how you ended this... the opposites and the bright sides. Just wonderful.

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