Bombast by Nicole AssenzaPredation
Something about that word
I just like
What fucks but
Doesnt fly
Blues of the ingénue,
The eyes have it:
Its a girl
Caffeinated trembles
Stirring mighty winds
Galvanize the blood
The broken circuit that loves me
Something about spleens
Other vestigial pieces
Those are the parts
That get blown
Sand in the bed
Smoothing out your roughs
Waking up a question mark
Over your head
Put on high talons
Peel back the courage
The day provides you
A fresh wrecking ball
Dont spend it all
On one face
For fresh advice
Go ask Alice
A sharp center iris with
Nine of sword visions
No more pink ribbons
Bring on the 666
Tarot of the Feminine Mystique
Tigers, oh my
05/22/2006 Author's Note: Something new, wanted to do something different =). This one's for no one but me.
Posted on 05/23/2006 Copyright © 2025 Nicole Assenza
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Matthew Zangen on 05/25/06 at 10:03 PM Raw, frantically vivid imagery, and the form you've chosen really struck it home. I've read it a few times without much deciphering (yet), but there's very recognizable substance in this piece. Thanks for a great read. |
Posted by Soulo Jacob Bourgeau on 01/01/07 at 05:04 AM I am so glad I stumbled on this masterful piece. The imagery genius, the choice of words brilliant. Reminds me of Don Delillo's confidence with the pen. Fantastic. |
Posted by V. Blake on 06/23/09 at 09:59 AM "The day provides you / A fresh wrecking ball / Don't spend it all / On one face" Some of my favorite lines that I've read in a long time. As a matter of fact, this poem is like a collection of sentences I wish I had thought of myself, but I cede that you would obviously have said better. |