
Nonviolent Survival

by Amanda Bullington

If we can easily survive nonviolently, then
why do
we take
for food?
Instead, why not condition ourselves to
                                       meals made
                                       of soy, so we
                                       don’t employ
Upon our Earth’s fellow creations?

We worry about recycling paper to refrain
from                                          killing
trees,                                         but please,
before                                        you
bite                                            into
the                                             hamburger
you love                                     so dearly,
realize                                        that by
substituting                                 something
Just as tasty, you could save a life.

And                                remember
next                              time people
begin                           comparing
fetuses to                    babies:
    animals                 feel the
      same pain     when their
               young are
               taken away
               and baked
               into your
               cakes, in
               of your life.


Posted on 03/26/2006
Copyright © 2025 Amanda Bullington

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 08/17/17 at 09:17 PM

I like the poem and understand the point. I've just wondered from time to time how plants feel when torn from the or boiled or cooked some other way to our satisfaction. Oh I know it's stupid but it is I quiet possible it is I who is stupid for not understanding their language. And what will we do when we meet the first creatures from a planet where plants rule and suck the blood from creatures that look and speak like us?

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