Pantoum: At the bottom of my closet by Amanda BullingtonToday, I'll bury you at the bottom of my closet,
Pushing all the words you've said,
Our pictures took, our memories, our dreams
Into the chasms of my head.
By pushing all the words we've said
To a place untouchable in the
Chasms of my head,
I'll finally be free of you.
No more longing for the memories untouchable
To happen over again.
I'll finally be free of the happiness
Our time together brought me.
Those thoughts and desires will never, ever, happen again,
And they will never hold power over me, weakening me.
What happiness did our time together bring me anyway?
All those "time-can-stop-here" moments are long forgotten.
No thoughts or desires will ever hold power over me again.
No pictures took, no memories, no dreams will affect my judgment.
Today, along with those "time-can-stop-here" memories,
I'll bury you at the bottom of my closet. 02/14/2006 Posted on 02/15/2006 Copyright © 2025 Amanda Bullington