Free by Matt ForgetI am hurt Feel your pain Feel your heart Throb every moment Beating the same beat I once beat Fallen from the cracks From which I fell But you will be saved You will be spared You will move on Trust we shall always render Love we may always remember And you too my friend My hurt, your hurt Will never last forever. 01/16/2006 Author's Note: You are you're own person. Cherish the life of yourself before the love of others. Be happy with yourself before loving another. You have been someone I can be blessed to call a friend and will always remember that. You will be fine. You will be happy. I promise.
~To a friend of mine who has had it rough. All have it rough, but I give this to them in hope of all knowing that everyone always has a ticket to be happy, no matter who they are....and to always remember that the ticket is and will always be free.
Posted on 01/16/2006 Copyright © 2025 Matt Forget