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Dream Albert

by Timothy Somers

Had a dream just the other night
some might call it a vision
seemed more like a collision
with my psyche, id or some
other such place I keep my
private monsters, hoping
they don’t get out and run
around the neighborhood
naked to the eye.

Seems I was down Taos way
on a bright and sunny day,
you know, sand flying
around, won’t settle down,
no ocean, big beach, eye filling sky
all around the reach of horizon.

Heat all around,
here comes that psyche part,
or was that id? Not having
sorted them out since I was a kid.

Well anyway, heat-sweat,
press-your-shirt with added dirt
feeling stuck to my skin,
then the Suit comes into the
scene and ushers me to into
some big out-of-place place,
like the old hotel only bigger,
with quiet urgent tones the Suits
seem to store up to keep them
puffed up enough to fill the suits.

I had an audience with the Man,
now understand, I’m not sure
what he’s doing there, or if he
ever was there or even somewhere
close, and why he’d want to see me,
or even be in that dream
that some might call a vision.

Confused, half stumbling,
down the hall
being led by this Suit,
all puffed and stuffed,
into this
big ball kinda room-place
complete with Louis the
umpteenth decor gyrating
reflections of bright sun
all around louder than
surround sound,
to see the little guy
sitting down when
everyone else has to
stand up, especially if
they’re a Suit,
the Man.

Well, the shaggy head
Man jumps up
and comes around this
spindly legged desk like
I’m even dressed for the
occasion, or was kind to
his wife or met in another
life approach to shake my
hand and even cause me
to draw back when I get
the pat-on-the back with
the handshake treatment,
from the Man.

And he suggests, at the
major distress of the Suits,
cause he waves them away
making them stay like crows
on the highway after the
bones have been already
picked clean and gleaned
of all the real meat,
that it’s time for us to
get out, take a walk around
the block where we can talk
without the Suits that
know they just been had.

Well, we walked back into
the bright sun, and here I am
expecting to hear all these
things profound I’m sure
will astound, least spin
my head round once or
twice, something like
E equals something or
other, and ol’ Al,
he says to call him that,
even if he is the Man
claps me on the back,
looks right into my face
standing next to me right
there in a public place
and says,
“Man, you’re not gettin’ laid enough”.


Posted on 12/30/2005
Copyright © 2025 Timothy Somers

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Elle O'Connor on 12/31/05 at 06:05 PM

Bravo!!!! My kind of writing, er,, reading! Intelligent, quick, and oh so dreamy in that way that doesn't make me swoon (god, I hate to swoon!!). Nice job!

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