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Begin me gently

by Bet Yeldem

Begin me gently
Knowing the depths of my depravity
I am not one undone
Easily by love alone nor sympathy
Of lost innocence

Come understanding that I with you
Am still one
Destined for a conflicted solitude
Seeking company
For chosen loneliness, yet come

We’ll learn to see
The poetry of dress shoes and neckties
Ride on writing
Smoke, French perfume, butterflies and bees
It was your eyes
That first told me you would understand
Lips are liars
And desperate minds control our hands
Souls’ windows
They say cannot lead us far from home
The ones we love and hate and fight
The ones we want
And try to save and those thrown away
Come together
In moments like this, free and light
As elephants
Made of clouds dance across the sky
Lie back here
In the dampness of the morning just
Because we can
Watch white circus overhead pass us by
Minds reel
With a hundred songs, all is silence still

Venture near
Make of me and the world what you will
The offer stands
Across distance and divide of continents
Unaltered by hard truths or consequence
Time is on our side
As long as we live by hours we trust
Take it all in

Breathe all of me until your lungs are full
Of hope and sin
Exhale around me the air of your name
Feel the lull
Of your heart as its beat slows to sleep
For this night
We are lost travelers who dream too deep
Words intently
Whispered in slumber unspoken by day
Begin me gently
And, with a poets tongue, end me the same


Posted on 12/04/2005
Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem

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