topic~Is it plugged in? {Typical Monday} by Kimberly BareMorning light glistens
through the windows.
The uplifting scent
of a strong french roast
profuses the air.
A deep breath drawn in
just before the first sip is heavenly.
Whole wheat bread
to nourish the body
is dropped in the toaster,
then the honey I find.
Country Crock from the fridge
to the table.
Then I proceed to the stairs.
I wake the children with a song.
Returning to the kitchen I wonder,
what is taking that toast so long?
11/26/2005 Author's Note: :) Thank you, Erin Eymard, for the topic. I had fun with this one.
Posted on 11/27/2005 Copyright © 2025 Kimberly Bare