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Not Enough

by Charles M Harrison

Heroes on the fields of green that are measured in yards of ten.
Now they tread upon fields of dust where the danger does not end.
Left behind family, friends and the comforts of that life.
They volunteer to serve a nation and to march to the drum and fife.

Mothers say they are just babes these young boys and girls.
Gone to grow into adults in such strangely different worlds.
Risking for a greater cause what many fear to dare.
Because they feel a calling that these burdens they must bare.

Only those who have been there can know the fear and dread.
Always there within the mind, one wrong move, you could be dead.
A tension that fills the air so thick it’s sometimes hard to breathe.
The hope that’s kept deep inside, I will make it, if I just believe

They have continued a legacy of Americans who make a stand.
Who choose to leave family and home to take up arms to defend this land.
They think not only of themselves their homes and their family.
They heed the call of the drums of war to bleed, and die for you and me.

They consider themselves lucky the ones who have come back home.
Many will never be the same for the wholeness of them is gone.
They went and fought and risked it all, and have given up a part.
But still pride, honor, determination, burns within their heart.

Do not for them have pity, or feel for them any shame
Praise and honor them all with each mention of their name.
Rise to your feet and stand and cheer when they pass in revue.
Do justice to those who can no longer stand for you.

Shed salty tears of pain and joy for those who can not cry.
Shake their hands pat their backs and hug those who did almost die.
It’s not enough, no not enough, these words and gestures that we do.
But all they ever ask from each of us is a simple, little, Thank you.


Posted on 11/13/2005
Copyright © 2024 Charles M Harrison

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