The Red Queen by Richard PaezSo why have you split
in two, become recombinant,
given yourself up
to being something
that has to be raped
to survive?
Something inside of you
bigger than you
realized the weakness in you.
Your defenses stayed
the same for too long,
thinking your predators
as stable as you.
The world
inside and outside
The diseases and parasites changed.
They found ways though the walls
that once kept you alive
and safe from the dangers.
The walls
that became a cell
filling with the poison
that was killing you.
It took all the running you could do,
just to keep in the same place.
You got tired, started
to fall behind.
So you broke away
from the way things were meant to be
cut yourself in two
because something inside of you
something bigger than you
realized that you have to give up half
of yourself to live forever.
Survival, the passing on of oneself
is better
than not-at-all.
So you have split
in two, become recombinant.
Given yourself to rape,
giving up half of yourself
so that the remainder may be
The little fish, the topminnow, has but one choice in its life. The parasitic worms that cause black-spot disease know where and how to attack the fishs body. Some topminnows reproduce asexually, cloning themselves--their defenses, their souls--and thus preserve themselves whole but provide the worms that know their weaknesses with easy targets. Other topminnows reproduce sexually, giving only half of themselves over to immortality, but providing an ever-moving, ever-changing target for their attackers. And so it is in all life. Even human life. Each morning we are born again, we have the choice of asking ourselves a question. The question is: are we to be the result of the coalescence of the multiple essences that we may be, even though that may involve a little death each day, or do we cling to one image, one self, and thus allow the things that can destroy that one self destroy everything?
You dont see it yet and may never, but you are the topminnow, as I am. You have made the most difficult choice in all existence, dared to ask yourself the question and answer it: you have chosen to risk losing half of yourself, and everything that went along with that half, so that the other half may live forever. It seems a unique and frightening step, but you will realize that is one that has been taken innumerable times before, ever since the first amoeba swallowed another and decided it more beneficial to assimilate than digest.
Evolution is not death, it is a continuation. 11/12/2005 Posted on 11/13/2005 Copyright © 2025 Richard Paez