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imago (flight)

by Scott Cadence

always the first to wake

my eyes focus on the daylight bordering the blackout drape of your window
how a breeze comes through
and the light flaps at the corner
reveling bits of space

I lay and listen
to the fret-like falling of breath upon my neck
against the rhythm of our heavy hearts
and white noise of the world

My need in you is unexpected
like this music
but undeniably beautiful
are the strings of possibility
that could fathom such harmony
with your fingers pulling
at the notes of my being

always the last to wake

You slumber
in the overwinter of the geometrinae
rapt in a cocoon of your own endless

My eyes close
as I attempt to soothe the fault lines of your tattered wings
in the way that you soothe me with your words
my hands become like an emotion sweeping across you

Your body language mirrors
a thousand lines of thought
that all strike a truth within me
and I can't help but be amazed

When you're lying here next to me
I need no explanation
because sometimes the best answers
have no sound


Author's Note: imago: an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and
typically winged state.

geometrinae: subfamily to Geometridae, a emerald moth and

Posted on 11/04/2005
Copyright © 2024 Scott Cadence

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Nicole D Gregory on 11/04/05 at 08:18 AM

Breath-takingly Beautiful! Your work is always beautiful, touching and a pure capture of reality... Thank you! ~N

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 11/05/05 at 01:07 AM

Scott, this is a total sensory experience. It's a first of its kind and I congratulate you on being a pioneer. Your words as ever speak of gentle emotions, tenderly given and received.

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