

by Frank Lee

tried my hand at gamblin' for a few months and
my life seemed easy.
wakin' up round noon.
smokin' pot watchin cartoons,
listenin' to some old pat boone,
when the telephone would ring...
was a man telling me who he wanted to bet on,
wrote it down and made the call.
middle man for mafia clan,
maybe that was the life for me.
and addiction
carefully creeped
deep within the depths of morality,
and i wanted a bigger slice
of pie.
started to supply
from alex to zeina and her friend monique.
soon, telephone was tapped and it was time for me to sneak
out of town on a greyhound
and this is where mystique
shot out from the ground
and my life began to peak.
as i peeked out the window and
watched the scenery change i felt
like i could stay on this bus forever.
(where no one could hear me speak) it wouldnt matter where i'd end up
as long as it was abrupt, and i kept my identity clever.
i would hide there for a while
so the money i owed would never stand trial
and a legend of my travels would reach
tony and lou
suzie q
and everyone i ever knew,
even you.
theyd hunt and search...
i think
they'd hear about
the ranch i stayed in
the girl I broke in
and the careless way i spent money at the bar.
the job at the restaurant
the jewels and drugs i would flaunt
and the time i stole the car.
but all the time in my head
id hope and pray to be dead
or atleast to have a bed
in which i could sleep in peace.


Author's Note: still working on this.

Posted on 09/22/2005
Copyright © 2024 Frank Lee

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