chariece by Emily G Myersshe is
too cool
to be here
& she will use
her Caribbean voice
to denounce me
for all I'm worth
he slept in her bed
now he sleeps in mine
& she will use
her Caribbean voice
in high school, he said
she was too dark
but even hating her
even being hated
she has
been my ideal
though she will use
her Caribbean voice
(no matter what)
& i was just one
of her casualties 08/29/2005 Author's Note: she's always hated me, from the first day I started dating Eric. I never knew why and I still don't. I refuse to believe it has anything to do with jealousy because I can't fathom such a physically gorgeous person being jealous of me. either way, I wish I had her confidence.
Posted on 08/29/2005 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 08/29/05 at 07:07 PM ...good questioning diatribe, but you speak to the whys of it...jealous, is not just for the fat, skinny, or have-nots...melady it is mankind's disease...we gotta be taller, prettier, have alllll the men/women, fastest i thru?...really emily, you write a wonderfully revealing (to you OF you and OF her) poem of humanity and our most basic need, which is not sex but the need to belong, or to be important to someone else...and that's the rub...she can't be "real important" ifffff eric is yours...great poetics, peace, chaz |