Ghost Town by Quinn VokesMiddle of the night, sitting in a dusty chair with a glass plastered in one hand as I take a drag off the other, the foggy air attempts to clear for the fifth time and I'm still unhappy. Take a picture, smile for all the good times, then down the second, no, third, and get up for a slow dance with Time. Simple yet sexy, that look like... floating, barefooted, ankles showing in rolled up, low-rise jeans, bare-midrifted, hair wild, neck exposed.
A searing pain in the right shoulder from too much formaldehyde and nicotine, I never desired to be so attached to any one thing. My face shines a radiant glow as sweat drops onto the floor, painting a picture of stars glistening in the far off distance: we are but mere mortals uncapable of understanding anything so beautiful as this.
Open the kitchen door and step outside into the dark, cool air, careful not to attract attention while tip-toeing and stumbling to the middle of the dirt road, drawing my future out in a circle of LUST and HURT, ignoring the past that is through. Sit and hum, no one is watching, no one can feel the heavy need in the air for companionship, the longing that has followed twenty-five miles from the life I used to know to this old, deserted place.
I still dream of you, you know, but that is irrelevant since I've found new things to occupy my ever changing tastes, my ever changing tastes that learned a trick of two from the cat-like thief who stole my trust in a half empty bottle of vodka and punch. 07/25/2005 Posted on 07/25/2005 Copyright © 2025 Quinn Vokes
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Ava Blu on 07/27/05 at 03:31 AM wow. I really like this. It feels like an excerpt from a novel. I think you should make a story out of this. |
Posted by Ken Harnisch on 07/27/05 at 06:31 PM I agree with the comment before mine. This sounds like the beginning of something longer and more profound. Please give it its life, Quinn! |
Posted by Gregory O'Neill on 10/05/06 at 10:40 PM Thanks for the read. Enjoyed your writing here. |