
Do you get it?

by James A Holt

When does it all make sense?
Living from day to day with
No idea of what's coming up
From behind.

What good is it to have a purpose?
To have a goal set before you
Only to be tripped by a pebble
After the first step.

Why do you say hello only to say goodbye?
To have the ones you care the
Most in your life to be nothing
More than a page in the book of your life.

Who's worth it to share your beliefs?
To read and learn and feel with all your
Heart, only for your words to
Fall on deaf ears?

Where does it all come together?
To run all around in the world
Only to end up where
You first started.

How do you make it all worthwhile?
To finally see the world in
Color and not just in
Black and white.

I just don't get how.


Posted on 07/23/2005
Copyright © 2024 James A Holt

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