
grandma's helper

by Mary Ellen Smith

Sweetie, would you please close the back door for Grandma. I'm going to put the air conditioner on so we can be coldies!

Um...no. I don't want to.

Oh come on now, be Grandma's big helper.

No. I don't want to close the door.

Well, don't you help your other grandma when you are over there?

No, over there I just play and eat. 


Author's Note: LOL...conversation I had with my three year old grand Katie.

Posted on 07/15/2005
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 07/16/05 at 02:12 AM

LOL!! Rather typical three year old! Hope you didn't let her get away with it!

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