If You Wanted Me To Leave, Just Say So by Marcus Jonesdon't sit there staring at me like that,
hoping to make me uncomfortable
if you keep doing that, i will become
uncomfortable but it won't change a thing
don't steer the topic of conversation
away from any subject i could
ever hope to talk about
that makes me feel like an idiot
don't just sit there, i beg of you,
don't just sit there and ignore me
it's so obvious, you may as well
duct tape a paper sack around my head
don't start with the snide remarks
and the snappy insults to make me angry
i don't get mad when you talk trash;
i get even by spitting it back
you can do all these things, and while
they may be effective in making the
situation tense, they do not cause
the one thing you wanted: getting me to leave!!
let me know you want time to yourself
i'm not psychic, so tell me something!
how else am i supposed to know the
whole time you wanted me gone so you could be alone?
06/29/2005 Posted on 06/29/2005 Copyright © 2025 Marcus Jones