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Being held (soul on soul)

by Scott Cadence

I hold you standing in the bedroom
and with arms around you my fingers rest on your lower back
your breath draws in the air around my neck and shoulders
I can feel it pulling like a fog that withdraws from over a stretching plateau
and I can no longer distinguish your lungs expanding from my own

I can hear your thoughts clearer than they ever were vocalized
with no guessing, no awkward choreography, no intentions
never have I been so content, at peace in a place usually rumorous
where I often rush to the point with my body
I found you unexpectedly outside my knowledge
barer than skin
seeping and cycling panopticly through me
with all the ways an angel kisses on a sinner
there was no measurement of grace
just the sound of needing
and the notion that maybe
you were really holding me


Posted on 06/14/2005
Copyright © 2024 Scott Cadence

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Holly H Dunne on 06/28/05 at 06:46 PM

clear communication of something we all crave. brought back memories of what i once had. love the last line.

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