Hardly Faded Memories by Amanda BullingtonI feel invisible.
A zombie in the body
Of an old friend;
A zombie you'd never
Befriend again,
Cause I'm invisible
To you.
I remember the cigar
smoke from your Pop
Pop's basement, the
clanking of the
pool balls as they
smacked together,
and your smile as you
sunk one in the
corner pocket.
As we played, how
content were we,
knowing our family
was less than a
bird's call away,
boiling heaps of
pasta and baking
Italian bread just
the way we liked,
with red gravy for
You were my sister,
But now I'm invisible
To you. 06/04/2005 Author's Note: Dedicated to Danielle. Inspired while I was on the phone with Chris.
Posted on 06/05/2005 Copyright © 2025 Amanda Bullington