Simple Economics by Marcus Jonesyou see
if it were up to me
i'd be the one who ended
the beginning of everything
stop it before it started
retard it-
let freedom ring
because true freedom
is the being able to
choose nothing
as an occupation
instead of being forced
into something
that will break your back over time
tax you life and your mind
gave it all you got
and after it's over you'll soon find
that the mind in which you dwelled
became your own personal hell
in which schemes and private dreams
became public and set sail
because the rest of your co-workers
in private brokered
for your position
and you're weren't being paid
enough for your skills
did i forget to mention?
that your bossman or bosswoman
either way, the supervisor
was looking for just the right excuse
to use so they can fire
someone with fifteen years
of time served under their belt
but when the company had hard times,
it was folks like you who helped
whether overtime or
working on days off
you proved to them
you weren't soft
you gutted it out
and shut it out
and tried to correct their loss
the bottom line is
they saw the slightest
hint of prosperity
and decided to lay you off
without thinking of the disparity
they would cause to your family
and the people that you must provide for
(during the new employee meeting
security was kind enough to
show you the side door)
so there wouldn't be a conflict
they told you they would
show you compensation
while saying empty words like
"the recession affects the nation"
fuck the nation and fuck recession
compensation don't pay your rent
or cover the cost the dentist
charged for your son's appointment
so while your job is supposedly concerned
for the "welfare of the nation"
in the back of the mind you're thinking
of your kid's root canal operation
or the fact that the rent
may just be a little late
(never mind your electricity
gets disconnected on the eighth)
or the fact you can't visit Mama
and she's been in bad health
(never mind the fact you got
six months of car payments left)
they could give a shit about
your Mama, your rent, or the
note on the Dodge Ram
and as far as your ass is concerned
they really could give a good goddamn
but they can't and they won't
and it's about time that you see
the reason they don't give a
damn is because they don't give to charity
bitter minds are in their heads
and they have forgotten what it's like
to have to scrounge for every penny
just to keep on all the lights
or to keep the babies fed
no matter the circumstances around
because they've been on top for so long
they don't know how to look down
on the little guy
that will always try
and work hard until they fucking die
and see that it's people like you
that keeps them in offices
in the fucking sky
it makes them feel better somehow
when discussing it with their friends
that "they HAD to let you go, it was
a means to an end"
well if they were so concerned why
did they accept a raise
that gave them a bump in salary
and ten extra vacation days?
if they were so worried about the job
they would have taken a pay cut too
way back when, six months ago,
like they asked the staff to do
so if you starve
and your kids starve
and you apply for federal aid
asking for help yet get turned down
think of the money the company saved!
04/21/2005 Author's Note: i don't know WHERE this came from. i just felt the need to say something and this is what came out. it's disjointed as hell, i know, but that's kinda what i was going for. also i was pressed for time so i had to throw it down and not refine it. hopefully i can touch it up a bit later.
Posted on 04/21/2005 Copyright © 2025 Marcus Jones