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by Kourosh Taheri-Golvarzi

"Aaaaaaalllllllllll Aboard on the wormhole bound for Sector 149 via
the Orion Nebula!" shouts the conductor for the life-forms last in
line, be them Carbon-based, Silicon-based, or otherwise.

A young boy may bend the streets of Space-Time, though he should be
careful not to stretch the street or else he'll kill everything in the

Go ahead and take the C-60-reinforced elevator all the way down to the
first dimension, even though it's boring down there, or take the
elevator to the surface and mingle with those in the fourth dimension,
or you can take the elevator to higher floors, and, may I just say,
the view from a corner office at the top floor is absolutely awesome.
Of course, the easiest way to get on the elevator is to wait for your
molecules to disalign and the equipment in your vehicle to wear out,
or, of course, you could always take it upon yourself to force entry
into the elevator, but only the selfish ones do that.

Head out to Andromeda (a lovely suburb of the city if you ask me...)
and check out a few clubs around the place. It's the home of
Feliocaris, you know, the hippest nightclub around the city, and has
been since radio waves of "21st Century Schizoid Man", "School's Out",
"Voodoo Child (Slight Return)", "Paranoid", and others unwittingly
boarded a wormhole at the Alpha Centauri station and were attracted to
an antennae hooked up to an FM radio owned by some Vaquero in the
counter-earthward side of ol' '33. This four-armed Vaquero reportedly
went into a total Rock 'n' Roll frenzy upon hearing the received
transmission and, ever since, has been credited with bringing Rock 'n'
Roll to the common citizens of the city of Exapolis ever since he and
a childhood friend established the Feliocaris nightclub in Andromeda.
Now, Rock 'n' Roll is the unofficial soundtrack of Exapolis. "Black
Rose Immortal" is a popular favourite. Come on inside Feliocaris and
you'll hear them play nothing but Rock 'n' Roll (it's on the surface,
you know) and... Holy Shit! Is that Jimi Hendrix sipping a glass of
Ol' Janx Spirit with Guru Dev? By golly, it is! Anyway, at Feliocaris,
you'll find Verdantars, Pleidians, Spicans, Cydonians, and even a few
Earthers who had enough brains to realize the fact that there is more
to life, so much more, than being confined to a filthy, feces-ridden,
war-torn cradle and did something about it. Also, because there are
Earthers here at Feliocaris, the owners of the club have been able to
keep close tabs on, not simply Rock 'n' Roll, but music in general.
In effect, they've been able to play all Rock songs, not just the
kickstarters. They play everything from "Johnny B. Goode" to "Ace of
Spades" to "Heartbreak Hotel" to "I Den Trolska Dalens Hjärta". Thanks
to gracious efforts by proper, intelligent Earthers, rap and
rap/rock-hybrid bands such as Limp Bizkit, Slipknot, Linkin Park, and
others have been banned in Feliocaris. Music lovers everywhere may
rest easy.

Step to the side in a few minutes to avoid yet another chunk of frozen
semen flying toward yet another volcano-covered egg with its package
of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. This kind of thing happens
all the time.

Ahh, there go the Sewer workers, taking the lid off of a manhole to go
inside: the manhole from which no light escapes (except for X-Rays, of
course; anybody can tell you that. One disadvantage of the sewer
system is that one must exit via a different manhole.

We've got UFO® brand cars that citizens of the city can drive around
town. Then, of course, we have conservatives who prefer walking around
the city in their brand-spankin' new $3,500,000,000 Space Shuttle®
brand walking shoes (idiots). Some life-forms never learn.

There are many below us, as there are many above us, seeking, wanting,
begging, searching for answers that may not exist.

The latest census shows that the population of Exapolis is now
approximately 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419
7169399375105820974944592307816406286208 9986280348253421170679 x
10^364621596072079117709908260226921 and growing. I must say, I'm
pretty proud to live here.

Come to think of it, I've never seen any other cities. Maybe I can get
on a flight to another city. I'd imagine that would be a lot of fun. I
don't think that we've had any tourists in Exapolis in quite some

The essence of Exapolis is beyond the surface, structure, chaos, everything.

This and other cities are all part of the great country which contains
us all. We are all citizens, and no one's birthrights may be violated.
That would violate the top floor....

Kourosh Taheri-Golvarzi


Author's Note: I wrote this one when I was 15 years old. Hope you enjoy.

Posted on 04/08/2005
Copyright © 2024 Kourosh Taheri-Golvarzi

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