An empty place by Vikki OwensIn an empty place, in the darkness, in void,
streetlamps exhume the light, draw it in.
Asphalt stretches, seeming endless and evenmore empty...
footprint to fear,
a step to every direction, a floating breeze.
Hyacinth scented playground of childhood springtime heartbeats.
An ever emptier sky, a damp tunneling, earthworm like, a twist of indescression...too open and vunerable, too thrown-wide.
Spotlights on memory, floodlights on secrets filling in, a deluge of piecework hands and feet. Blankets and sheets, a stain, a tear in the fabric.
Desperate, voice goes up to conciousness.. lifted like incense, pulled on hooks to the eyes, wake up.
Open up, wake up.
04/04/2005 Author's Note: a dream that made me afraid of the dark last night
Posted on 04/04/2005 Copyright © 2025 Vikki Owens