Eyes of Innocents by Tricia Marie MielThey open and embrace the world with pleasure
Hoarding every minute with wonder, what they see is treasure
And life whose beauty knows no measure
Angel offspring with souls heaven-sent
They have eyes of innocents
They see a world where pain can be cured by a kiss and a hug
Wrongs erased by forgiveness, a smile and a shrug
Where love is the only potent drug
Hopeful, faithful, kind and patient
Compassionate, trusting eyes of innocents
They see through the buried you and me
They see the greater persons we all can be
And if we had their eyes, we too would be able to see
And so my prayer for the present
Is that we may be blessed with eyes of innocents 03/30/2005 Author's Note: it's so refreshing to see cute little babies pushed around in strollers through the streets of New York City instead of the usual grim-faced suits :)
Posted on 03/31/2005 Copyright © 2025 Tricia Marie Miel