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The Breakout

by Carl Walker

Did you hear about the breakout

at Mike’s mouth

words escaped

and cannot be recaptured.


Where was the guard

when this happened?


The guard lost his ability

to watch his mouth

because he was occupied

somewhere else.


The guard got involved

talking politics and religion

and being right became more important

than watching his mouth,

(which is the same thing

as his belief was more important

than the feelings of others.)

that’s when the words escaped.


So what happens now?


He’s placing himself under mouth arrest,

so  he can remember that his beliefs

(as beautiful as they are to himself)

are never more important than others feelings.


It doesn’t mean

he’ll never say anything on purpose

to piss people off,

it does mean

he’s seeking words from a heart

not dominated by

the idols of his heart.


What do you mean,

“the idols of his heart”?


An idol of the heart

is a belief that

he could get life, or peace, or happiness

from people listening to him

or being right

or from something other than god.

That’s why he lost his capacity

to serve

and words escaped.


He wanted people to agree with him

(or not disagree)

more than he wanted to serve.

(I mean, god wants him to serve him

by serving them;

so he lost sight of serving god with every word,

which is the same as

serving his idols

rather than serving his god.)


and the fruit was not pretty


So how long

is he under mouth arrest?


Don’t know,

but we’re all hopeing

he’ll never be completely free again.


that the guard

won’t get distracted

and the words will be confined

until they are rehabilitated

or die in custody.


<b>words</b> that flow

from a heart

that considers others interests

above our own

  --those words tend to bear good fruit


<b>words</b> that flow from a heart that

thirsts for others to serve me

or wants others to “get it right”

more than wanting to serve others

those unguarded words

tend to bear bad fruit


When words have escaped your mouth

and can’t be recaptured

and leave a bad taste for others,

try putting yourself under mouth arrest.


Resolve to keep your words confined

until when released

they heal or help.


No big deal, but take a week

for this little exercise

keep most of your words inside

only let those out that are necessary.


You won’t believe how hard it will be.

Others will be amazed.

and then later blessed!


It’s a combination lock

and here’s the combination

don’t speak unless you’ve listened enough

for others to reveal the issues of their heart,

NOTE: may take a lot of listening but it will pay off!

Don’t speak unless you’ve listened enough

for others to feel understood

(according to their ridiculous standard,

not your ridiculous standard).


Wouldn’t we all do a lot, lot better

if we confined a lot, lot more of those words

that are not about healing or helping or serving.


There is a huge anointing that goes before

the one who listens to people.


I mean, really, listens.

There are family members

that can be set free

if you really learn to listen.


It will take longer than a week to learn this,

but don’t just fill up your time not talking

with your mouth

make your eyes talk with exclamation marks

and tell people

they are important

by letting them know

that their thoughts expressed in words

are important.



Maybe I’ll start a club,

the reformed mouthers

we’ll support each other

with a twelve step program

and sponsors

it will take effort

but the dividends will be worth it.


You know it will bear good fruit.


Author's Note: ya wanna be in the club, stand up and be silent?
or, or, give me a call. I need a sponsor.

Posted on 03/21/2005
Copyright © 2025 Carl Walker

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 03/23/05 at 11:49 PM

Good one Carl...but I have said enough already!

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