
A princess sleeps and grandma dozes

by Mary Ellen Smith

In played in clothes
Naked toes
Sitting up or laying down
On her face a tiny smile.
A princess sleeps where she falls
Dreamland calls.

And all around
We are found
Shushing finger up to lips
The princess sleeps.
turn the t.v. down
Remove the crown.

The other one
Has just begun.
She’s nine months into training.
Soon too she will be reigning.

but for now she sleeps
on my shoulder.

And I just smile
All the while.
My princesses so sweet.
I think I'll just put up my feet
And doze for just a bit...


Author's Note: just a part of my peaceful day....

Posted on 03/13/2005
Copyright © 2024 Mary Ellen Smith

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charles E Minshall on 03/15/05 at 11:53 PM

Sounds like a pleasurable day. Pleasurable poem Mar...Charlie

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