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With The Stars As Our Audience

by Marcus Jones

i didn't want to
come out last night
i wanted to stay in and
get some studying done,
eat a little dinner,
and then turn in early
for the night
so i could go to work
in the morning
but you insisted,
and while i put up
a fuss,
i eventually gave in

you took me to the one
spot that you said was
"perfect for watching
stars" because all of the
lights of the city are
blocked out by the walls
of the courtyard,
as if the builders
designed that section of
the complex for just
this sort of thing
with it's flaming torches
and bubbling fountains,
it seemed like an ancient
greek monument dedicated
to astronomy rather
than a patio on a
college campus,
where students
and professors ate their
lunches and smoke their
cigarettes as they
go about their daily duties
i held you close
to me and kissed you gently
you asked me
"what was that for?"
and i replyed
"you're right, it
is perfect."

i knew what i had to do
in the morning but i
didn't care,
i was enjoying your
company entirely too much
we pointed out constellations
to each other and
when we ran out of ones that
we knew, we started making
them up
you told me all about
yourself and
while i have heard this
story a hundred times,
this time it had more
because you told me
more than you ever have
maybe you were more
comfortable talking to me
with the stars as our audience

as the sun rises
and our late
comes to an end,
i look into your
eyes and
i catch
reflections of myself
dancing across
with the
fading moon
a backdrop

you smile and
in seeing
that smile,
i am reminded
that sometimes
it's best to throw
caution to the wind,
not take yourself
so seriously,
and find time to
look up at the stars
with the one that you

hopefully nights
such as this won't
elude us
in the future
yet we can not
recreate this
night, or this
setting, or
even how we
feel about each other
at this very moment
for time has a
funny way of
making you
earn new precious
moments while
slowly whittling
away at the old ones
until you eventually
forget the value that
they once had

let's never forget...


Posted on 03/07/2005
Copyright © 2025 Marcus Jones

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Shonda Chrissonberry on 03/07/05 at 05:00 AM

No, let's never forget that moments make memories and the stars were made for our pleasure. Excellent and heart-warming piece Marcus. She must be very special and you both are very lucky to have each other to view the stars with. :)

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