Egressions of the Eldery, under a dying sun by Amanda BullingtonThe sun glows warm with poetry
Spreading its heat to the
Thousands of eyes there affixed,
Watching its painstaking sojourn
Hands hold pens tightly clamped,
Papers at the ready to record
What spiritual wonders the sun
Brought to them that day;
Bones weighed heavily on the
Terrain, as the heat subsiding
Into cold brought aches to the
Elderly. [but still they wrote!]
Caressing their insides with
Scorching pain-like the sun of
The tropics, they wrote, waiting
For new inspiration where there
Stood only withered bones and a
Departing sun, making them pity
Their own looming egression from
The world. 03/03/2005 Posted on 03/04/2005 Copyright © 2025 Amanda Bullington