Prayer by Marcus Jonessay just one last prayer for me
pray to correct my frailty
your love is my love yet my love is lost
i gambled in this game yet i didn't know the cost
please help me stay the course
please guide me to the light
my heart won't hold true,
my eyes deny sight
my soul is in shreds,
i feel i've lost this fight
no mercy in this battle,
opposition surrounds
i look up at the victors
as i lay upon the ground
they have gained what i've lost
yet they don't truly possess
the last remnants of my love,
and for this i'm truly blessed
healing waters, healing winds
seem to only be within
for it's a tyrant's environment
that my soul is truly in
maybe i wouldn't be this way
if i had not persisted
with someone who resisted
the fact my love ever existed
brokenhearted, brokenwilled,
yet i still press on
because it's you and only you
that i choose to stress on
hopefully the days of us
being at odds will soon end
and the day that we will
resume being best friends
will soon return, but right now
we're both being burned
you, being burned by guilt,
me with a lesson hard learned
i love you, yes you,
you know who you are
my fire, my star,
the best i've known by far
yet your mind races towards places
along the real world's outer reaches,
where your heart demands freedom and
where you can't hear what love preaches
just to be fair, i do care
but maybe too much
because it pains my heart to be
denied the communion of your touch
so please say one final prayer for me
cure me of this cancer called fidelity
your love is your love, what you had for me is lost
i gambled in this game yet i didn't know the cost...
01/10/2005 Author's Note: i produced this one about a month ago and didn't really think to do anything with it. let me know what you think. oh, and by the way, this could possibly be considered the follow up (or companion piece) to "Hurts For The Moment".
Posted on 02/24/2005 Copyright © 2025 Marcus Jones
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Shonda Chrissonberry on 02/25/05 at 02:49 AM excellent companion to Hurts ~ "healing waters, healing winds seem to only be within" ~ love the way this line made me feel ~ really love your work posted so far ~ glad you are here and looking forward for more :)
Posted by Ava Blu on 02/26/05 at 03:36 AM I love this as well. I'm with Shonda, I've loved all 3 of your poems. Can't wait to see more! |