Hurts For The Moment by Marcus Jonesthis is what i wished for
this is what i hoped for
but i fear that the outcome is beyond
anything that i could have ever imagined
you plague me with
vile sympathy,
unconfirmed truth,
stubborn compromise,
and it pesters me to no end
to know
that the one that i let slip away
actually struggled to stay the whole time
fate is a wedge that can be driven into
and removed from lives repeatedly
fate brought us together
wedge out
fate comes between us
wedge in
fate knows no surrender, so
we reluctantly move on,
yet we both wish
each other near
is it because of the heart that still feels love?
or is it because same said heart
fears guilt?
where is the love that was professed and exchanged?
nowhere, much like the vapor and mist that
dreams turn into during our waking hours
yet there will be no more mist for me
for i will never again dream
the dreams of lovers,
for their dreams are
merely episodes of delusion
using snatches of imaginary concepts such as
as an excuse to bring value to a person's soul
i call upon thee
smite thine dreams and curse thine hopes
heal this injury to the soul
that was self inflicted
show me favor in my follies and
do no flaunt my failures in front of me
allow me to steal a glance toward
the memory of what was had
and mourn the loss of what could have been,
without pain
for this, as all things do, only
hurts for the moment...
12/23/2004 Posted on 02/22/2005 Copyright © 2025 Marcus Jones
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Shonda Chrissonberry on 02/22/05 at 11:44 PM excellent piece Marcus ~ love the way it carries itself ~ particularly the second stanza ~ left me feeling/remembering some of my momentary hurts from the past ~ Welcome to Pathetic! so glad you are here :) |
Posted by Mark Maxey on 02/23/05 at 12:45 AM way to go Marcus...what an entrance piece...glad you are part of the community here! :P |
Posted by Ava Blu on 02/23/05 at 04:48 AM I voted on this because it is very good. I enjoyed reading the pain in this. I know, I must be a little demented to like pain. lol
Welcome aboard, dear! =) |