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ethereal misdemeanor

by William P Strucke

with emotion rising, there is
but a breath between us,
two leaves floating in the wind
waiting for a gentle nudge to fall together
i can't help but stare into your eyes,
those beautiful blue sparks
pressing deep into my soul,
my heart jumps into my throat
and words are but a memory,
if only to touch but once;
my hand streaks across your leg--

desire is magnetic between us
and a strong force it can be!
some would call it lust,
i just see part of life.
the silence lingers and we stare,
each wondering what might happen, what could be;
weighing the price of indulgance
versus that of never knowing...

fleeting, this moment is
a brief touch of hearts,
a pause in the road ahead,
may we meet again, i pray
in a simpler circumstance,
a kinder flaw of reason -
then part tonight we must,
there are many tomorrows,



Posted on 02/22/2005
Copyright © 2024 William P Strucke

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