Captain Undependable by Madeline PestolesiIf you were a superhero
You might be called Captain Undependable.
The metropolis you guard
Would call you in a time of need
And you would promise to take down the monster with your kickass lazer vision.
But then you'd never show up.
And the monster,
Double-fisting children like corndogs,
Would destroy downtown,
Including the church,
Because you flaked out at the last second,
All for a bottle of wine.
Pehaps the situation is not quite as dire
Because you're not really a superhero.
And I'm not a disintegrating city.
But I am getting sick of the superficiality. 02/06/2005 Author's Note: It's about a friend of mine whom I love to death, but she really pisses me off because she flakes out on me all the time.
Posted on 02/07/2005 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi