he's copying my desperation by Emily G Myersi talk and then yell
he is catatonic
like a child
with a temper
he holds his breath
until his face is red
& when i threaten
or find something sharp
he reaches for the scissors
to copy my desperation
tiny white scratches
he proves he's as scared
as i am
but i have bled
i am the abusive husband
i am the nameless rage
he cowers under covers
i become my father
& he is catatonic
like a child with a temper
when i leave
i walk in circles
without a plan
because i don't think
three sleeping pills
will be enough to cut it
02/05/2005 Author's Note: have we broken up? you never know. ask me in an hour.
Posted on 02/05/2005 Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers