Stressball Unwind by Madeline PestolesiStill no internship...
Still no money...
Still no comprehension of Shakespeare...
Still no word from my love thousands of miles away...
Whirling around my brain
Causing sleepless nights
And random crying episodes
And I am grateful
That it's my last difficult semester
That my sister won't make me pay rent this month
That my credit card has only a $10 minimum payment
That my car still starts when it's 10 below zero outside
And that I finally heard back from one of the places I applied
So maybe I'll unwind enough
To start eating regular meals
Without my stomach cramping in fear of what I do not have.
Because the answer isn't what I do not have,
It's what I do have.
And my problem isn't the fault of others
It can be solved by changing my focus
And seeing the positive light in a dark room. 02/04/2005 Posted on 02/04/2005 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi