

by Richard Vince

Listless, in a sea of empty faces…
The shallow eyes stare aimlessly onward
And the hollow souls are forever lost

They are all condemned by themselves
To lives of mediocrity
Lack of colour…
Merely shades of grey
And no way forward
But that which others have taken

They do not even follow…
The current pulls them onwards
And they never fight it
For they are no longer young
And they have not the strength to outswim it

I watch as they pass me by
And I am powerless to help
For it is too late now

So all I can do
Is watch their drained faces fly past
And watch the hope fading from their eyes

They do not even plead for help any more
They have not the strength even for that
And so now they are resigned to it
They have accepted it as the inevitable
A life of lost hope, lost souls, and lost selves

There is no help without hope…
And no hope without help


Posted on 02/02/2005
Copyright © 2024 Richard Vince

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