
my eyes

by Melinda Sordino

if eyes are windows to the soul,
then why are mine so bright?
can you really see into me,
and tell if i'm alright?
or do you see what i have faked-
small smile and white light.

do you know what lies back there,
the darkness and the night?
do you know how it feels
to know that you're not right?
and have you ever lost a battle
you didn't care to fight?

my soul seems dimmer than before,
but maybe that's my sight.
i feel as if i'm suffocating
because my chest's so tight.
have you seen this in my eyes-
do you know my fright?


Posted on 02/01/2005
Copyright © 2024 Melinda Sordino

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by John Ilotan on 02/01/05 at 04:44 PM

Nice write. I like it alot, esp. the last stanza, kinda reaches inside me.

Posted by Anne Engelen on 04/30/05 at 04:47 PM

What a wonderful POTD. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Posted by Max Phineas on 05/31/05 at 11:23 AM

Twas wonderfully accurate. I loved the rhyme scheme, and I usually don't like them in serious poems. But it was beautiful. And hey, they never turn out like you want them. lol..It's the mixed blessing that is poetry.

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