My Fantastic Night with a Chicken Pot Pie by Madeline PestolesiStarvation and neccessity,
Brought on by college,
Force me to prowl the freezer
Looking for a frozen prime rib dinner
Or similar.
My frantic pawing of the frozen items
Moves in rythm with the intestinal growls
That beg to be filled with nutrition.
And I pause,
A Marie Calander's Chicken Pot Pie
Clutched in my pale hand.
Though it really doesn't matter,
As I will eat it anyway,
I flip the box to see how many calories are packed inside.
Over 400.
Not a total slave to frozen food market,
I decide to use the oven
Until I see it takes 45 minutes in the oven
Vs. 4 in the microwave.
Six minutes later,
I shake the pie from its cardboard bowl
Onto my finest thriftstore china.
Only to instantly burn my tongue
On the molten grey goo within.
I taste a sodium-enriched carrot
And pause to savor the vegetable
Which contains no vitamins, minerals, or good qualities in general.
And it's moments like this
That force me to go to bed hungry
Rather than eat 6,000 cardboard-flavored calories.
01/31/2005 Author's Note: It was tolerable until I really thought about how bad the vegetables inside were. I don't really like the form of this poem, I may come back to it later, even though it probably doesn't matter as no one reads, rates, or comments on anything I write.
Posted on 01/31/2005 Copyright © 2025 Madeline Pestolesi