Train Crossings at Night by Shonda Creemer10/3/04
2:00 a.m.
I cant sleep
My mind is distracted
by noises in the night
Seems everything is
so much louder when
the rest of the world
is asleep
A train just passed
over the tracks
and I can hear its voice
every time it comes
to a crossing
Even those crossings
that are a few miles away
Short bursts
every handful
of minutes
5 seconds of noise
1 long 2 short
4 times each
for at least 6 crossings
Why cant I just rest
my head
like normal people?
such is life
2:04 a.m.
10/03/2004 Author's Note: another sleepless night ~ see what happens when your brain is tired
Posted on 01/30/2005 Copyright © 2024 Shonda Creemer
Member Comments on this Poem |
Posted by Mark Maxey on 01/31/05 at 06:39 PM captured what it is ....and hopefully writing about it can make you sleep now! :P |
Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 02/01/05 at 06:03 AM yeah...we have a train a few miles away that I only hear in the middle of the night....this is kinda lonely...but the middle of the night is exactly that... |