THE ROCK SHIP (to Tz) by Phil WallingTHE ROCK SHIP (to Tz)
I am drifting like a rock ship
In a sea of granite tranquility
Like the chalk that snuffs and wheezes
To a place of stony silence --
The sails are made of earth
A mast of marble
And yet I transcend the source below
To marvel at my weightless motion.
I am the words of a poem
Deep and divided and soulful in pleasure
From the call and babble of pebble birds
Lies my ingrained foundation of peace.
I call to a voice so quiet it reverberates
With a hollow silence - a form and shape
Beneath the cover that senses awake
Shake and stir with an unease of near sleep
The half forgotten dreams, half remembered.
My conciousness reminds me that I exist.
01/12/2005 Author's Note: Peace
Posted on 01/12/2005 Copyright © 2025 Phil Walling