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If we both

by Scott Cadence

if we both were spiritually deep
neither of us would have something solid to return
and I’d lose you in the middle of the living room

if we both crossed our fingers
not trusting what promises followed each other
then our hearts would tighten up into frigid winters

if we both made serious contracts
on black ink and paper white
then we wouldn’t know the humor of circumstance
and the faces we made in laughter

if we both pretended contentment with everything
no conflict could burn us down
and no unclear ground
would be there to rebuild us back up again

if we both could only be one thing separate from each other
and returning
than I would choose this human life
so I could know you (as I do)
over and over again


Author's Note: thanks to Michelle Angelini for some revisions on the poem, I think it reads much better. ;)

Posted on 01/12/2005
Copyright © 2024 Scott Cadence

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michelle Angelini on 01/17/05 at 08:20 PM

Scott, I enjoyed reading your sensual poem, because it reaches down farther into the true sense of what love is. I have a couple of suggestions. I'll pm them to you. Good work!

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