It doesn't happen anymore by Bet YeldemIt doesnt happen anymore
Now that Im over thirty
But I used to be mistaken
For a high school senior
When I was teaching
High school seniors
Counting heads on the bus
Checking forms
Being the grown up
Taking children to college
Career Fair
Training for the real world
Mixing, mingling
Keeping an eagle eye
Until she approaches
With a pen and brochure
Talking about opportunities in engineering
I take the information politely
Assuming she intends for me to share it
With my class
But shes persistent for conversation
She says
So what would you like to do after graduation?
I relay the story back at school
Walking through the halls,
Noticing that most of them are taller than me
And some even look older than me
The students laugh and ask
So what you do want to be when you grow up?
I see them in neat little desks
Full of enthusiasm and angst
Attitude and resistance
Questions and vision
Beauty and spirit
Possibility and
Behind my silent smile
I answer
I want to be you again.
01/11/2005 Posted on 01/11/2005 Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem