
claddagh again and again

by Emily G Myers

how many hearts have you held in your hands?
necklaces or wedding bands
gold or silver, emerald green
and how many girls have you called tangerine?
and just how often can you relive this lie?
I should've known in the kitchen when you watched me cry
and the love letters you sent me did you send to her too?
and how long did you wait to sing her "For You"?
whatever girl is the one that you're calling hon
I'm just glad that we're done
I can't open her eyes, but I can take a stand
and I took back my heart out of your hands

Poem Topic #292: Compare and contrast.


Author's Note: I don't know. I think it's boys who have relationships but don't work for them. like Elijah Wood's character in Eternal Sunshine. that's why I put "tangerine" into the context it's in here. but honestly. he's not dating different girls, he's dating the female version of himself. so whatever. if she doesn't see it, that's ok. but don't ever, EVER say I've exaggerated the facts. they're there. take them or leave them.

Posted on 01/05/2005
Copyright © 2025 Emily G Myers

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Michele Schottelkorb on 01/06/05 at 09:12 PM

excellent wordplay... (my husband and i wear claddaughs... reason i read in the first place)... definite twist on love and marriage... blessings...

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