familiar faces by Emily Sullivanon the day you were taken from us
you were talking to paul -
revealing how handsome he appeared
to those who could not see him -
i know now he was here to guide you -
to carry you home.
years later, arlene had lost her way -
when you found her she was alone
and cold in the snow.
you erased her confusion
and warmed her soul -
as she followed you
away from this place.
the moment howard was leaving his bed
your arms lifted him up -
he smiled and said "hey
i used to know your face" -
he held your warm hand
as you lead him toward grace.
lastnight you visited once again -
this time it was your sisterly love -
theresa was ready for you to come -
as she walked toward you to finally embrace -
she noticed standing behind was bob -
now the three of you walk
together once more.
the circle is almost complete
however there is still
someone here you are
waiting to meet -
i know he is the one
you love the most -
this may seem selfish to some
but we are not ready to let him go
i know there is a reason
why he is still here -
it is your love for us
which allows you to spare his soul -
sometimes i see you shining in his eyes -
living through him to see us all grow.
so when you arrive to carry him away
please let us know
for his passing will be the greatest loss
for all of us to let go. 12/29/2004 Author's Note: a lot of my grandparent's siblings are passing away lately. my grandmother died several years ago. she is the main character in this poem. she was claiming to see my dead great uncle right before she passed, so i just thought it would be comforting for all of the others who passed after her to see her as they went. my grandfather is still living and he is the last one mentioned at the end.
Posted on 12/29/2004 Copyright © 2025 Emily Sullivan