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Universal Beliefs

by D. Xavier Bari

These walls are much too close.
Once all of this matter was condensed
into a space
no larger than the moon.
Those baby galaxies
that look strangely like ours,
the supernovae
flooding our cellular antennae,
the sun herself,
they were all there, too.

This liquor reeks of paranoia.
Those people once thought the Earth was flat,
and the heavens rotated around us.
That Mars had no water,
the heavens revolved around us
[oops, said that already--]
and there was no life on other worlds.
But the almighty+ies will still redeem us all,
even if we can't agree on what that means.

Those voices can't be right.
The ozone is fine.
And the polar caps.
All the water.
And blood.

So much blood.
Drowning. Crushing. Undertow.

The universe is not expanding,
is it?

Not like this.


Posted on 12/28/2004
Copyright © 2025 D. Xavier Bari

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by JD Clay on 12/28/04 at 02:09 PM

It seems you've covered the waterfront and most of the landmass too, with this all inclusive undertaking of political correctness, Dante. Very creative. Pe4ce...

Posted by Sarah Graves on 12/30/04 at 11:45 PM

Ah, yes, your words seem to be a clock of time and notions that have been proven wrong.. by people that looked to sciene and logic rather than religion alone. Great work.

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