Daddy by Bet YeldemHe was my first image of a hero,
And I was sure that he had
Secret super powers and a suit.
He was better than the Marlboro man,
The first real cowboy I ever knew,
And he doesnt even have a horse.
Hes been a hunter and a nomad,
Gathering provisions for his clan,
Making fire and other miracles.
He was my first fairytale knight
Shining armor, rescues, and all.
I hid in the strength of his shadow.
Hes been a carpenter and architect,
Both designing and building
The foundations that I live on.
He was the first association I had
With the terms handsome and strong,
Still the embodiment of each.
Hes been a lighthouse and a rock,
Guiding me home to Shiloh
And lands of milk and honey.
He is feared and respected
Honored and cherished
And loved more than I can bear
Because he is my father.
12/27/2004 Posted on 12/28/2004 Copyright © 2024 Bet Yeldem