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by Trisha De Gracia

Oh God,
     you're there...

your bloodstained
            pixellated inkmark
remembrance piece of poetry
        betrays the person I had always
  thought I'd caught
in glimpses
withered mirror
and journal speakouts
in syrup

I shook and read
                         and shook
        and read again
                         each single piece
   and held the words,
                         [I held back everything]
and sighed.

In your mind
   that age old
      worn and weary


     freedom that my logic
won't adhere to

   oblivion escapade
(made with old pieces
              of broken antiquity)

of a neuron
           for Godgiven

And you wish for nothing
but beautiful words
in your name?

                  There aren't enough,
                              as you
                                may never


Posted on 12/23/2004
Copyright © 2024 Trisha De Gracia

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Tom Goss on 12/23/04 at 04:21 PM

A jolting journey that somehow manages to satisfy (not sure about the ending though).

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