
I'm With Stupid!

by Jersey D Gibson

My life, so wrong,
can't seem, be strong.
I can't do anything right,
everything an uphill fight.

Your life, so gay,
so wacked, gone stray.
You let petty shit rule,
thinking you're so cool.

Who's... the... loser... ?
Can't find your life with a map!
Who's... the... loser... ?
might as well wear a dunce cap!

Us two, can't work,
I dumb, you jerk.
Can't agree on anything,
nothing to this table we bring.

We scream, we shout,
I'm through, you're out.
Point our fingers with dealy intent,
so much energy that we have spent.

Who's... the... loser... ?
Can't accept that you might be wrong!
Who's... the... loser... ?
Can't feel the need to be strong!


Posted on 12/16/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Anne Engelen on 12/16/04 at 09:17 PM

someone's singing the blues. I can just imagine this being sung on some smokey bar's corner.

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