
I Ain't Down With Hip-Hop (A Song... Of Sorts)

by Jersey D Gibson

Must of heard that ghetto blaster a mile away,
watching kids with gold chains who play.
Flashing signs, tagging out the neighborhood,
wearing basketball jerseys like it's Hollywood.

Dreaming of the ghetto, woke up in the 'burbs,
lowriding BMX's with gang colors on the curbs.
Little punks playing with nothing better to do,
blasting the hottest new thing just to prove.

I ain't down with hip-hop...
I'm not from some ghetto,
rapping like some psycho.

I ain't down with hip-hop...
not part of some G-unit,
just not one to do it.

Saw some kid on the street flashing a nine,
got busted by the cops, now he's in for 3-5.
All these little kids who think their so flash,
gold teeth in their mouth just makes them trash.

They can funk the illest rhymes by some con,
they get busted, always saying they did no wrong.
But their idols are dopers, smokers, and tokers,
while I think their nothing but a bunch of blokers.

I ain't down with hip-hop...
I don't act like Busta Rhyme,
don't plan on doing time.

I ain't down with hip-hop...
heavy jewlery weighing me down,
sooner or later, end up in the ground.

Heard on the news, some rapper died the other day,
why does hip-hop gotta go be that way?
Don't they have enough problems with money and drugs,
can't solve a problem with a shake and a hug?

Bury them young, ride the hate so strong,
spreading the message that is so wrong.
Can't sing about things like peace and love,
always talking about things like ho's and drugs?

I ain't down with hip-hop...
make up my own music,
not stealing someone's and use it.

I ain't down with hip-hop...
enjoy life and not fail,
end up a loser in jail.


Posted on 12/16/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charles J Hannan on 12/16/04 at 05:46 AM


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