Absolutely Adrenal by Melina Raven Maness DieboldAsked about you
but no answers
still left with the question mark in my mouth
Often you seem to have
love returned to your eyes
unless I mistake your delusion for grandeur
Tottering I caress thoughts as they
exude, escape, and exonerate my mind
like little cerebral sappers
yanking synapses as they spark
Again I ask the question
Do you still have a soul?
Rebuttal, silence, all the same
et cetera, que cera, cera
No, not now, but next
And maybe again I can
laugh and relapse at once 12/15/2004 Author's Note: i'm so weird today
Posted on 12/15/2004 Copyright © 2025 Melina Raven Maness Diebold