
Love Is Like A Lollipop

by Jersey D Gibson

Love is like a lollipop,
you lick it 'till it's gone.
Savor the sweet sweet taste,
and you're left with a soggy stick.

Love is like a lollipop,
comes with many flavors.
Some you can even chew on,
and blow like a bubble.

Love is like a lollipop,
you can suck on one for hours.
When you're finally done with it,
you can go get another one.


Author's Note: Any sexual conotations to this poem is purely the reader's imagination.

Posted on 12/12/2004
Copyright © 2024 Jersey D Gibson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Ava Blu on 12/12/04 at 04:48 AM

hahaha I don't think it's my imagination! =P It's a good poem though!

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